Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Halloween is coming!

What is the photo in my studio that gets the most comments? What is the one that everyone wishes they have? It is the shot of the three superheros! Our costume shoot it becoming one of our most popular events at the studio. We have already begun to get phone calls trying to get the date out of us! This year it will again be a fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Your entire $25 sitting fee will go to help find a cure for blood related cancers. The shoot will be from 9-noon on October 18th. This year we'd love it if you made an appointment to come. Drop-ins will certainly be welcome but this should help with flow of our little kiddos and alleviate a line.

See you then!

1 comment:

SarahRJohnston said...

So glad I talked to Katie and Jessica today at church. I am so excited about Halloween pictures this year. I hope you have room for 3 more kids. I think Avalyn will be alot more cooperative this year- she loves dress up now!
Thanks for doing this-