Sunday, October 19, 2008

Costume Shoot

Today I had the cutest job ever! These lil' darlings were great. This is the day every year that I look forward to. The kids are always VERY excited and they look so darn sweet in those costumes. I think next year we will have to give out awards for the best costumes. Here is a sneak peak of a few of the kids that we got to see. The best news is, we also raised about $500 for the Leukemia Society. YEA!!


ReneeWelstead said...

where's Caleb?? :)

Jeff and Carrie said...

These are precious!!! Thanks for sharing these...especially my son ;)

Colleen Dustin said...

Those are just adorable! Great job! I'm sure the parents are all going to be so excited to have those!