Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Hey Everybody! The weather may be fantastic right now, but don't let it fool you- the holidays are right around the corner!
We are excited to announce that all of our 2008 events were reposted to our online galleries for the month of November to facilitate ordering for the holidays. All of our REPOSTED galleries will be discounted by 20%. You can order reprints, enlargements, cards, or even high resolution files. Contact jmcclintockstudios@yahoo.com if you need help or have questions.

Orders place on or after December 1st will be delivered in 2009, so don't wait until the last minute, order today!

I also wanted to share some VERY popular gifts this year! We have our super cute gift certificates available. They come at any price point. We also have folios. These folios hold 2-3 photos and are great for granparents, parents, etc.

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